Project “Safe Migration”
KEIHAN Foundation has collaborated with a refugee organization to launch the ‘’Safe Migration’’ project. Research shows that Afghan refugees are more likely to listen to and internalise messages coming from their family members, close social circles, and the Afghan diaspora. Therefore, we teamed up with various diaspora organisations to launch campaigns to create a safer […]
Protect Afghan health workers against COVID-19!

As you all are undoubtedly aware, the COVID-19 outbreak has also become a reality in Afghanistan, which could have catastrophic consequences. Considering the current conditions in healthcare-centers, the virus can spread very rapidly, if the necessary measures are not taken in time. A sufficient amount of adequate protective equipment for healthcare staff, plays a crucial […]
Doneer een beer aan kinderen in Kabul

Stichting KEIHAN heeft dit jaar als doel om donaties van knuffels mogelijk te maken aan kinderen in Kabul. Het voornaamste doel van het project is om knuffels te doneren aan kinderen in Afghanistan die het minder goed hebben en om meer aandacht te creëren rondom de kinderen in Afghanistan.De knuffels zullen gedoneerd worden aan Mahale Zeste Rahman […]
Afghan-Dutch Conference 2019

The Afghan-Dutch Conference 2019 is being held in celebration of 100 years’ independence of Afghanistan. KEIHAN Foundation and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs want to use this opportunity to celebrate and strengthen the ties between Afghanistan and The Netherlands to have a closer collaboration on future projects beneficial for both countries. Listen to inspiring speakers […]
Academic Exchange Medicine 2017
Het aftellen is begonnen, over minder dan een maand arriveren onze vier studenten uit Kabul en gaat het Academic Exchange Medicine Program 2017 (AEM) van start. Dit jaar introduceert Stichting KEIHAN met trots alweer de zesde editie van het project. Vier zeer gedreven studenten uit Afghanistan treffen op hun beurt de voorbereidingen voor de reis […]
Schrijven voor Afghanistan (verhalenwedstrijd) en boekdonatie Save The Children
Een heel mooi initiatief van Save The Children Nederland is ons opgevallen recentelijk. De organisatie gaat namelijk met steun van de Postcode Lotterij boeken doneren aan kinderen in Afghanistan. Het gaat om boekenpakketten die naar 3000 scholen zullen worden gebracht en er zijn plannen voor 300 bibliotheken met daarnaast voorlichting aan ouders en kinderen over […]
Opening 10de bestuursjaar Stichting KEIHAN
“Grootste probleem onder de jongeren in Afghanistan is hun mindset. Als we het echt willen, kunnen we ons land veranderen!” Met deze, bijna activistische, woorden zette de jonge Afghaanse uitwisselingstudent de toon voor de 10de openingsbijeenkomst van stichting KEIHAN, op 1 oktober 2015. Tijdens deze bijeenkomst werden de projecten van Stichting KEIHAN verder belicht. Zowel […]
Anatomy Teaching Innovation Program: Official opening of the media library
The anatomy media library with e-learning facility at Kabul Medical University is officially ready for use and we hope the students can benefit from it immensely. The media library is part of the Anatomy Teaching Innovation Program and it was inaugurated by Afghanistan’s Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Farida Momand! More about Anatomy Teaching Innovation Program: […]
Clinical Skills Training Program 2015
KEIHAN Foundation’s Clinical Skills Training Program 2015 has officially started with the safe arrival of Seyed Qaderi and Atal Janatgol in Afghanistan. Our two colleagues will provide training in clinical skills development to students of Kabul Medical University (KMU). We wish our board members and the participants a lot of success during the training. More […]
Welcome Academic Exchange Medicine students 2015!
A warm welcome to Abdul Rahman Saleem, Jamaluddin Mirajan, Sayed Sahil Hashemzay, Reshad Payenda and Ahmad Jawad Mujaddedi! The five students from Kabul Medical University will participate in KEIHAN Foundation’s Academic Exchange Medicine (AEM) program in Leiden. Academic Exchange Medicine: KEIHAN Foundation believes in supporting this recovery by investing in knowledge. For this reason the […]