On the 14th of June, His Excellency the Ambassador of Afghanistan to the Netherlands mr. Nabiel, Prof. Marco de Ruiter and dr. Paul Gobee officially closed the Anatomy-project as they awarded dr. Moneeb with a certificate for participating in the Anatomy Teaching and Innovation Program. After 10 months of training, KEIHAN Fdn is proud to announce that dr. Moneeb has successfully finished the Anatomy-project. Besides the training of an anatomist, innovations will also be performed in the Kabul Medical University by the establishment of a media centre with supporting “e-learning” programs for students and (para)medics of the KMU.
During the Ceremony, the anatomy department of the LUMC and dr. Moneeb presented the results of the past 10 months to the participants, physicians, donors and to our partners Cordaid and the LUMC. In the last 20 years, the anatomy education in Afghanistan has been destroyed. For KEIHAN Fdn, it is an honour and a tremendous support to witness the inexhaustible efforts made by the Dutch institutions, physicians and students in order to support the future of Afghanistan. Despite the financial and material barriers, the LUMC Anatomy Department, KEIHAN Foundation and dr. Moneeb have managed to make a significant contribution to the development of the anatomy education in Afghanistan.