
Update from Afghanistan: Clinical Skills Training Program 2014

KEIHAN Foundation’s board members Niloufar Rahim, Seyed Qaderi and Hogaei Oriakheil have arrived safely in Afghanistan and have successfully started the Clinical Skills Training Program 2014. This project was established in collaboration with LUMC, Kabul Medical University, Erasmus MC and IOM. It’s aimed at further developing the basic clinical skills of the participants who are currently third year medical students […]

Post 2014 Afghanistan: Russia and Allies (verslag)

Op 27 maart organiseerde Stichting JASON samen met Stichting KEIHAN het symposium ‘Post 2014 Afghanistan: Russia and Allies’. Indien je op zoek was naar nieuwe, nog niet bewandelde wegen naar een oplossing voor de situatie in Afghanistan en in de regio dan was je tijdens deze bijeenkomst aan het juiste adres. Het duurde niet lang […]

Uit het zicht maar niet uit het hart (verslag)

PTSS is een stoornis die ontstaat als om een of ander reden een trauma niet goed verwerkt kan worden. Het is een combinatie van lichamelijke en psychische verschijnselen, zoals verhoogde prikkelbaarheid, herbelevingen, vermijding van prikkels of verdoofd reageren op de omgeving. Dat is PTSS, in droge woorden. Maar, op maandag 9 december, hebben vier dappere […]

Long road to Afghan peace: State-building & Post-2014 Challenges

On the 11th of July 2013, KEIHAN Foundation together with JASON Institute organized the symposium “Long road to Afghan peace: State-building and Post-2014 Challenges” with guest lecturer Muhammad Arif Mubashir, The regional manager of the Afghanistan Independent Bar Association (AIBA). Others who were also participating in this symposium were Geoffrey van Leeuwen (Ministry of Foreign […]

Different Colors of Poetry

On the 28th of June KEIHAN Foundation organized the poetry event ‘Different Colors of Poetry’ in cooperation with IDJUN. This event aimed at bringing different cultures in The Netherlands together. These poets were Homaira Nakhat Dastgirzada (Afghanistan), Qader Shafiq (Afghanistan), Nanne Nauta (The Netherlands), Ramla Al-Jasim (Iraq) and Nafiss Nia (Iran). During the evening the […]

The arrival of KEIHAN Foundation's project to send goods

KEIHAN Foundation sent clothes, medical tools and an ultrasound machine to Afghanistan. These have arrived savely to their destination. The medical tools have been donated to Malalay Hospital and the clothes to the Mobile Mini Circus for Children. This donation was the combined effort of the Foundation together with Development Humanitarian for Services of Afghanistan, […]

Photo exhibition: 'Afghanistan through the lens'

Although at the end of June Dutch soldiers and civilian advisers will leave Afghanistan, the photo exhibition ‘Afghanistan through the lens’ demonstrated once again the deeply rooted relations between the two nations and above all the unambiguous involvement of the participants with the mission in Afghanistan. It is evident that the road to peace and […]

Closing Ceremony Academic Exchange Program Medicine 2013

Academic Exchange Program Medicine is an educational project during which each year KMU students are selected and invited to follow a trimester of the second year of the Medical curriculum at the LUMC. This project gives the opportunity to Afghan medical students to participate in the Dutch educational system and apply their experiences in Afghanistan. […]